Best tools to improve SEO ranking

23 Essential tools to optimize your organic SEO

In today’s digital world, optimizing your organic SEO is crucial for enhancing your website’s visibility. To achieve this, Hellotools provides you with essential tools. These SEO tools, ranging from keyword analyzers to SEO audit tools, help you identify opportunities for improvement in your search engine positioning. They facilitate backlink analysis, keyword optimization, tracking of search engine rankings, and offer valuable advice on strategies to adopt and competitor analysis. By using our tools in your SEO strategy, you can significantly increase organic traffic, improve your site’s ranking in search results, and effectively reach your target audience. Remember, SEO is a continuous process, and these tools are vital allies to stay competitive in the ever-evolving digital ecosystem.

Meta Tags Analyzer

Meta Tags Analyzer

Check and analyze the content of your title and description meta-tags for Google and Bing. Check the size, length, and quality online to improve your SEO.

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Check Hn tags (H1-H6)

Check Hn tags (H1-H6)

Check and analyze your Hn tags (H1 to H6), structure, nesting, and hierarchy of your web pages. Improve your SEO and user experience.

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Character and word counter

Character and word counter

Counting characters, words, and lines is made easy with our free online counter. Optimize your online counting with our convenient tool. Try it now for free!

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Compare two texts with similarity rate for plagiarism

Compare two texts with similarity rate for plagiarism

Discover our text comparison tool: detect plagiarism, analyze similarity, and ensure the originality of your writings with just one click.

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Check broken links on a web page

Free online dead link checking

Check for broken links on a web page for free online to quickly fix dead links. An online tool to improve your site’s health.

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Check the keywords of a website

Check the keywords and repetitions on a web page

Check the keywords and repetitions on a web page. Measure the relevance of the keywords, the frequency for expressions from one to six words

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Check title attributes of links

Check title attributes of links on a web page online

Check the title attributes of your links online, make sure your links are perfectly optimized for search engines.

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Check Alt Attributes of Images

Check alt tag attributes on a webpage online

Check the alt attributes of your images online, make sure your images are perfectly optimized for search engines.

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Keyword Density Checker Tool

Free Keyword Density Checker Tool

Calculate the density of keywords or a phrase on a webpage relative to the total amount of text to avoid over-optimization.

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Check internal linking

Internal linking checker tools

Check the internal linking of your website online with our tool. It analyzes the internal links of your site in depth.

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Check Hreflang alternate attributes

Check Hreflang alternate tag attributes online

Check Hreflang alternate tag attributes, improve your global SEO positioning and ranking

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Online canonical tag checker

Check canonical tag on a web page online

Check and test canonical tags online, detect rrrors, and validate your canonical gags for free

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Check text/html ratio

Check and calculate text-to-HTML ratio of a web page

Calculate the HTML/text ratio online, analyze and optimize your site. Personalized advice to improve performance. Try it now!

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Check image compression

Check online image compression and optimization

Check the compression and optimization of online images, improve loading for better performance of your website

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Check Gzip/Brotli compression

Check Gzip/Brotli compression of a website online

Check Gzip/Brotli compression of a website online, quick analysis of a site, providing a detailed report of the type and rate of compression

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Check file cache

Check the caching of files on a website online

Check the caching of files on a website online, ensuring that your website operates at its maximum potential and optimizes file loading

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Check TTFB Time To First Byte

Check and measure the TTFB Time To First Byte of a website

Measure and test the TTFB Time To First Byte of your website, assess your server’s response speed and optimize your website performance

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Meta generator powered by artificial intelligence AI

Meta Tag Generator title and description using artificial intelligence AI

Meta tag Title and Description generator powered by artificial intelligence AI. Boost your SEO with our generator.

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Online text readability checker

Check and measure the readability of the text on a web page

Want to measure and check the readability of a web page’s text and get a score to improve your content.

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Monitor a Website’s Core Web Vitals

Check Essential Web Signals Core Web Vitals of a Website Online

Measure and verify the Core Web Vitals essential web signals online for a website on both desktop and mobile

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Check rel attributes of links

Check rel attributes of links on a web page

Check the rel attributes of online links on your website and improve the security and reliability of your web pages.

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Free sitemap generator

Free online sitemap generator Sitemap.xml

Free online sitemap generator, Hellotools allows you to create a sitemap in XML format and generates a site map that you can download.

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Semantic Keyword Generator

AI-driven semantic keyword generator

Looking for high-quality semantic keyword suggestions? Generate hundreds of keywords and optimize your content.

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SEO Audit for Better Ranking

Step up your game with a professional SEO audit to boost your ranking

Get started now
What You Need to Know in SEO

Frequently Asked Questions About SEO Optimization

Optimizing natural search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for increasing a website’s online visibility. Firstly, it improves a site’s ranking in search engine results, such as Google. This means that when users search for information or products related to what the site offers, it appears higher in the search results, thus increasing its visibility. Good SEO helps a site stand out in a saturated digital environment, where internet users’ attention is highly sought after. Secondly, an effective SEO strategy improves user experience. By optimizing the site’s content, structure, and ensuring it is easily navigable, visitors are offered a more enjoyable experience. This can translate into longer visit times, a decrease in bounce rate, and increased interaction with the site’s content. Additionally, a well-optimized site is often faster and more responsive, essential in a world where page load speed is a key factor. Finally, SEO optimization is a long-term investment. Unlike paid advertising, which generates traffic as long as you pay, the effects of SEO can last much longer. Once a site is well-ranked, it can maintain this position for a while, attracting consistent and targeted traffic. This contributes to building a strong and reliable online brand, essential for gaining trust and retaining customers. In short, SEO is not just about ranking in search engines, but a central element of an overall digital marketing strategy.

The impact of duplicate content on SEO is an important topic to address from several angles. First, duplicate content can seriously harm a site’s ranking in search engines. When Google or other search engines detect identical or very similar content on different sites, they struggle to determine which version is the most relevant or original. As a result, they may downgrade or not index some of this content. This phenomenon can reduce a site’s visibility and decrease its organic traffic, as users will not easily find the site through searches. Next, duplicate content negatively affects user experience. If visitors encounter repetitive content on the same site or across different sites, it can create confusion and reduce the credibility of the brand or publisher. Users are looking for unique and valuable information, and the presence of duplicate content can give the impression of a lack of originality and effort, thus pushing users to look elsewhere. In conclusion, it is essential to understand that duplicate content is not always intentional and can result from technical issues, such as multiple URLs leading to the same page. Therefore, it is crucial for site owners to regularly audit their content to detect and correct duplications. This often involves a technical restructuring of the site, implementing canonical tags, or rewriting content to make it unique. By taking these steps, one ensures not only compliance with good SEO practices but also contributes to offering added value to visitors, thereby strengthening the site’s reputation and authority.

Optimizing meta descriptions and titles is fundamental to improving a website’s SEO. Let’s start with the titles. The title of a page (often called "title tag") is one of the most important elements for SEO. It should be concise, descriptive, and include relevant keywords. A good title attracts attention in search results and gives a clear idea of the page content. It is recommended to keep it under 60 characters to avoid being truncated in search results. Moreover, each page should have a unique title to help search engines understand and differentiate the content of each page. As for meta descriptions, they provide a succinct summary of the page’s content. While they do not directly affect a page’s ranking, they play a crucial role in the click-through rate (CTR). An attractive and informative meta description can encourage users to click on your link rather than another in search results. It is advised to limit them to 160 characters to prevent them from being cut off. Like titles, including relevant keywords and ensuring that each page has its own unique description can improve the visibility and appeal of your pages in search results. To optimize these elements, it is essential to understand the user’s search intent and ensure that the title and meta description accurately reflect the page content. This involves knowing your target audience and the search terms they are likely to use. By aligning your titles and descriptions with these criteria, you increase the chances that your content meets the appropriate audience, thereby improving not only SEO but also visitor engagement on your site. In summary, meticulously crafted titles and descriptions are valuable assets for strengthening a site’s online presence and attracting qualified traffic.

Hn tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) play a significant role in a website’s SEO, impacting both its structure and visibility in search engines. To begin, these tags structure the content, making pages more readable and understandable for search engines like Google. The H1 tag, in particular, is crucial: it serves as the main title of the page and should clearly indicate the main subject of the content. A well-designed H1, incorporating relevant keywords, helps search engines quickly understand what the page is about, thus improving the chances of ranking well for those keywords. Subheadings (H2, H3, etc.) also have their importance. They organize content into sections and sub-sections, facilitating navigation for users and helping search engines grasp the hierarchy and relevance of the content. Using keywords in these tags can also contribute to SEO, but it is crucial to do so naturally and relevantly to avoid keyword stuffing, which can be penalized by search engines. In addition to their role in SEO, Hn tags improve user experience. Well-structured content with clear titles and subtitles makes reading more enjoyable and allows visitors to quickly find the information they seek. This can translate into longer visit times and a lower bounce rate, two factors that can indirectly influence a page’s ranking in search results. In conclusion, Hn tags have a direct impact on search engines’ ability to index and understand a site’s content, as well as an indirect effect on user engagement. Strategic use of these tags, incorporating keywords judiciously and effectively structuring content, is therefore essential for effective SEO.

The difference between organic SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and paid SEA (Search Engine Advertising) lies in their approaches and methods to improve a website’s visibility on search engines. Firstly, organic SEO involves optimizing a website so that it appears higher in organic search results. This strategy includes optimizing various elements of the site, such as content, site structure, meta tags, and backlinks. The goal is to make the site more attractive and relevant to search engines for specific queries. SEO is a long-term process that requires time and consistency, but its effects are long-lasting and can keep a site in a good position for a long time without additional costs. On the other hand, paid SEA involves buying advertisements and sponsored placements on search engines. These ads usually appear at the top of search result pages and are clearly marked as advertisements. SEA typically operates on a pay-per-click (PPC) model, where advertisers pay an amount each time a user clicks on their ad. The main advantage of SEA is that it offers immediate visibility and can target specific audiences very precisely. However, once the advertising budget is exhausted, the ads disappear and the visibility stops. In summary, SEO is a long-term approach to building and maintaining a site’s organic visibility, while SEA provides immediate but temporary visibility in exchange for payment. Both strategies can be complementary in a well-balanced digital marketing campaign, with SEA generating short-term traffic and results, while SEO builds a solid foundation for long-term online success.