.htpasswd generator, generate your passwords

Encrypt password for htpasswd file

You want to encrypt your passwords for your htpasswd file, use our online password encryption tool. Enter your username and password to encrypt it.

Protecting a Web Page with a Password - htpasswd generator

How to Protect a Website with a Password using .htaccess?

To protect a website or a directory, you need to use an htaccess file with an htpasswd file. The .htaccess file is used to restrict access to a website by adding password protection.

Here are the steps to follow to protect your directory or website:

First, create an .htpasswd file that contains the credentials for users authorized to access the site. This file should be stored in a secure location on your server. It is recommended not to store this file in a publicly accessible web directory. The format of the .htpasswd file is "username:encrypted password". You can use our online tool to generate the encrypted password. Make sure the file is readable by the web server.

Protecting a Folder or Web Page with htaccess and htpasswd

Next, open or create an .htaccess file in the web directory you want to protect and add the following lines:

AuthType Basic
AuthName "Zone protégée"
AuthUserFile /path/to/.htpasswd
Require valid-user

Replace the line: /path/to/ with the location of your file on the server. Save the .htaccess file and upload it to the server using your FTP software. When you access the website, a dialog box will prompt you to enter a username and password. This is how you can protect your website with a password using .htaccess.
Your htpasswd file should look like this:


To find the full access path of your file AuthUserFile, use the following PHP code:

<?php echo $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; ?>
Best tool to secure your passwords with htpasswd

Effective techniques to encrypt your passwords

Mastery of password cryptography is essential for online security. A well-encrypted password with htpasswd strengthens the security of your files. Each password must be strong and unique, avoiding common passwords while remaining memorable. Complexity and diversity are paramount for a secure password.

Password strength

Each password must be strong and unique, which strengthens the overall security of your files.

Password encryption

Encrypting passwords with htpasswd improves the security and confidentiality of your files.

Uniqueness of passwords

Each password must be unique to avoid brute force attacks and strengthen the security of each file.

File security

Protecting your files with an encrypted password ensures their security against unauthorized access.

Need to Know

Frequently Asked Questions

To disable password protection for a specific directory on a website, you can simply delete or comment out the appropriate directives in the .htaccess file. If you are using the Apache authentication module, you can comment out or delete the "AuthType", "AuthName", "AuthUserFile", and "Require" lines that specify the access rules for this directory.

Password protection for a website with .htaccess works by using a .htaccess file that contains specific directives to restrict access to a directory or webpage. Users must enter a valid username and password to access these protected pages.

To create a .htaccess file to protect a directory, you need to open a text editor and create a new file with the name ".htaccess". Then, add the necessary directives to restrict access to this directory using the Apache authentication module. These directives include defining the authentication type (Basic or Digest), specifying the .htpasswd file containing usernames and passwords, as well as defining access rules.

To add users to a .htpasswd file, you can use our online tool to generate the user IDs and passwords. Then, you need to open your htpasswd file, skip a line, and paste the code generated by our htpassword password generator tool.