Security test for a malicious or safe website

Verify the reliability and security of an online website

Looking for how to check a website’s reliability? Simply enter the URL of the site you want to test. Make sure the site you browse is not a malicious website. Browse safely.

Checking website security...

Automated security analysis

Automatically test the security of websites with Hellotools

To ensure online safety, Hellotools offers a solution for secure internet browsing. Evaluate the reliability of websites simply and confidently. Just enter the website’s URL and our tool will analyze its security, detecting the presence of malware, unwanted software, and social engineering attempts (phishing and deceptive sites). Each analysis is designed to provide you with a detailed risk report, helping you to navigate the internet safely. Using Hellotools is essential for anyone wanting to protect themselves and check the security of websites before visiting them.

Web Security Analyzer

Our cutting-edge technology quickly and efficiently evaluates sites to identify any malicious or deceptive content, keeping you safe from online threats.

Embrace Hellotools for confident internet browsing and protect your personal computer against cyber threats. Our system evaluates URLs by comparing them to regularly updated databases of websites known to be dangerous. This proactive approach protects users from digital threats.

Essential Security Tips

Enhance your online security with real-time verification of websites

Our tool performs comprehensive security checks for websites, identifying malware, unwanted software, and detecting signs of social engineering like phishing. Simply enter the site name and our tool will inform you if it is a malicious site, highlighting key points for your safety.

Malware Detection

Identification and analysis of malware to ensure safe browsing.

Unwanted Software

Review of potentially integrated unwanted applications and software on the site.


Proactive detection of phishing sites to avoid scams and online fraud.

Security Evaluation

Comprehensive site security assessment to ensure a safe and secure environment.

What to Know About Computer Security

Frequently Asked Questions

How to know if a site is secure?

To check a site’s security, ensure it uses HTTPS and review user feedback. Use our site verification tool to detect the presence of malware or phishing tactics.

If your site is identified as malicious, review your server files for unknown scripts or malware, update your software, and consult a cybersecurity professional to clean up your site.

Malware can infect websites through security vulnerabilities in outdated software, SQL injections, or via infected downloaded files. Always keep systems updated and monitor for suspicious activities.

Antivirus programs help detect and block phishing sites by alerting users to potentially dangerous content. They do not replace user vigilance but are an important first line of defense.

Phishing is an online fraud technique used by criminals to steal personal information such as login credentials, credit card numbers, and personal data by posing as a trustworthy entity. To avoid falling victim to phishing, be vigilant about suspicious emails and messages requesting personal information. Always check the sender’s address and the URL of links before clicking. Also, use security solutions with anti-phishing protection and never share your personal information without prior verification.

To detect and remove malware, use a trusted antivirus software. Perform regular scans of your system and ensure your antivirus is up-to-date. If malware is detected, follow your antivirus’ instructions to quarantine or remove it. It is also advisable to keep your operating system and applications updated to utilize the latest security patches.

To protect your computer from ransomware, ensure your antivirus software includes specific protection against these threats. Never click on links or attachments in unsolicited emails. Regularly back up your important data on an external hard drive or a secure cloud service. Additionally, keep all your software, including your operating system, updated to reduce vulnerabilities.

To avoid downloading unwanted software or malware, always download your software from official and verified sources. Be wary of free download offers that may come with unwanted software. Read terms and conditions carefully before any installation. Use security software that includes real-time protection against malware and configure your browser settings to block unwanted pop-ups.

To check the safety of a link or an attachment, hover over the link with your mouse without clicking to see the actual URL in the bottom corner of your browser. Be wary of URLs that look suspicious or do not match the entity they claim to represent. Never open attachments from unknown sources. Also, use security tools that offer protection against malicious links and dangerous attachments. If uncertain, contact the sender directly by another means to confirm the authenticity of the message.