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Technical tips for optimizing your SEO

Optimize indexability with clear directives

Indexability is a crucial criterion for natural search engine optimization. Proper management of indexing directives ensures that search engines can access and index your pages correctly. Using meta robots tags, HTTP X-Robots-Tag headers, and the robots.txt file appropriately is essential.
To effectively test the indexability of your pages, we have developed a rapid verification tool. This tool conducts an in-depth analysis of indexing directives and identifies potential errors, while providing a final status indicating whether the page is indexable or not.

Indexability Testing Tool

Our tool analyzes meta robots tags, X-Robots-Tag headers, and the robots.txt file to determine if your page adheres to best indexing practices. It provides detailed reports, flags errors, and recommends corrections to improve the indexability of your pages.

Investing in the right SEO tools is crucial to ensure your content is visible on search engines. Our tool offers a quick and reliable solution to help you optimize your SEO efforts.

Understanding Indexing Control

Learn how to use X-Robots-Tag directives, robots.txt, and meta robots tags to manage your content’s accessibility to search engines.


The HTTP header ’X-Robots-Tag’ is highly flexible and allows directives to be applied to non-HTML documents like PDFs or images. For example, to prevent indexing of an image, you might use: X-Robots-Tag: noindex. This tag can also combine multiple directives: X-Robots-Tag: noindex, nofollow, noarchive, nosnippet, for complete control over how search engines handle content.


The "robots.txt" file, located at the root of the site, provides global instructions to search engine robots. To block access to a specific directory, use: Disallow: /directory/. To allow crawling of another directory, use: Allow: /directory-allowed/. It is also possible to target specific robots with separate rules, for example: User-agent: Googlebot followed by specific directives for Google.

Meta Tag Robots

Meta ’robots’ tags offer precise control at the page level. Examples of directives include: <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> to prevent indexing, or <meta name="robots" content="nofollow"> to avoid following links. Combined directives can be used, such as: <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow">. These tags ensure that search engines process each page as desired.

Best Practices

Careful and judicious use of these directives is essential for effective management of your site’s visibility. It is important to regularly review and update the directives based on content changes and SEO strategy. Coordination between development and SEO teams is crucial to avoid unexpected indexing blocks.

Advanced Indexability Optimization

Maximize the visibility of your pages with precise tools

Our tool offers a comprehensive suite to assess and optimize the indexability of your pages, ensuring compliance with SEO best practices and increasing their visibility on search engines.

Instant Analysis

Instantly test your pages to identify indexability issues with real-time results.

Error Detection

Detect and correct indexing errors through in-depth analysis and precise recommendations.

Compliance Checklist

Verify the compliance of your pages with a detailed checklist of essential indexability criteria.

Optimization Tips

Receive personalized tips to optimize the technical aspects of your pages to improve their indexability.

Indexing Insights

Frequently Asked Questions

Meta robots and X-Robots-Tag are directives sent to search engines to control page indexing. The robots.txt file directs crawlers to the accessible or non-accessible sections of the site. These tools are essential for managing content visibility in search results.

Meta robots and X-Robots-Tag provide page-level directives, while robots.txt operates at the site level. Use meta robots for specific instructions on a single page, X-Robots-Tag for more complex HTTP headers, and robots.txt to manage access to site sections.

Implement meta robots directly in the HTML of each page, X-Robots-Tag in the HTTP headers via your server, and the robots.txt file at the root of the site. Ensure that the directives are consistent and test them to avoid unintended indexing blocks.

Misuse can lead to complete blocking of indexing, significant traffic losses, or sensitive content becoming public. To prevent this, regularly check configurations and train teams on best practices for using these directives.