Test rel attributes of links

Check rel attributes of links on a web page

Enter the link of the web page to check the rel attributes, detect empty ones, correct errors, and ensure perfect security.

Verification in progress...

Rel Attributes Checker

Why is it crucial to check rel attributes?

Hellotools offers you an innovative tool for analyzing the rel attributes of links on your website. This tool is essential for webmasters, developers, and online security specialists. It examines the rel attributes of links in detail to ensure they adhere to the best practices for security and SEO optimization. In today’s digital world, the security and efficiency of external and internal links are fundamental for the success and protection of your site.

Tool to check the rel attributes of a web page

Our rel attribute verification tool is particularly useful in the following situations:

Web security: Identify potentially dangerous and unsecured links on your site.

SEO Optimization: Ensure your links are set up for better search engine indexing.

Compliance with web standards: Check your links’ adherence to current web standards for optimal performance.

To use our tool, enter the URL of the web page in the provided field. The results of the rel attributes analysis will display immediately below.

This tool is a must-have for web professionals concerned about the security and efficiency of their site. It provides detailed information to help you optimize and secure your links.

Understanding Link rel Attributes

Rel attributes define the relationship between the current page and the linked URL, influencing SEO and website security.


Indicates an alternative version of the current page, such as a localized version or one adapted for a different medium. Recommended use to improve accessibility.


Points to the profile or page of the author of an article. Use this tag to increase the visibility of the author and add a personal dimension to the content.


Defines a permanent link or bookmark for specific content. Ideal for sharing URLs that are reliable over time.


Indicates that the link points to an external site. It is advised to accompany it with the `nofollow` and `noopener` attributes to enhance security.


Link to a page offering help or more information. Ensure the destination is directly useful and relevant to the user.


Link to the licensing information for the content on the page. Important for clarifying usage and reproduction rights.


Indicates the next or previous page in a paginated set of content. Used to help search engines understand the structure of the site’s pagination.


Instructs search engines not to follow the link. Mainly used to block ranking manipulation and improve site security.


Prevents the browser from passing the referrer address to the new page and protects against exploitation of the originating page’s resources. Critical for security when opening external links.


Link to a search function. This tag helps identify links that facilitate searching on the site or related data.


Marks a link associated with a keyword or subject label. Useful for content classification systems and improving internal search.

Best tool for correcting link rel attributes

Effective techniques for checking a web page’s rel attributes

Mastery of rel attributes is essential in SEO. A precise check of rel attributes facilitates understanding by search engines. Each attribute must be relevant and succinct, avoiding keyword stuffing while remaining informative. Logical order and clarity are paramount for an optimal rel structure.

Relevance of rel attributes

Each rel attribute must precisely match the content it represents, thus reinforcing the overall structure of the page.

Clarity of rel attributes

The simplicity and clarity of rel attributes improve the readability and indexability of the page.

Hierarchy of rel attributes

A well-defined hierarchical structure with rel attributes helps search engines better understand the content structure.

Uniqueness of rel attributes

Each rel attribute must be unique to avoid redundancy and reinforce the individuality of each content section.

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What you need to know

Frequently asked questions about rel attributes

Rel attributes in links help to indicate the nature of the relationship between the current page and the linked page. They play a crucial role in preventing manipulation of the page’s content, such as phishing attacks and malicious scripts, by specifying how browsers and search engines should treat these links.

Rel attributes such as "nofollow" and "noopener" can influence a website’s SEO. They instruct search engines how to treat outgoing links, which can affect the transmission of "link juice" and security. Correct use of rel attributes contributes to better indexing and site credibility.

Rel attributes like "noopener", "noreferrer", and "nofollow" are vital for security. "noopener" prevents malicious use of the opened window, "noreferrer" hides the HTTP referer for more privacy, and "nofollow" tells search engines not to follow or index the link, thus reducing the risk of linking to malicious content.

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